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Top tips

Businesses, organisations and individuals should nominate themselves in the relevant categories.
We’re keen for you to have the best possible opportunity of impressing our Judges with your Nomination, so check out our 10 Top Tips below on writing a winning one.

1. Take time on your Nomination
Please don’t sell your company short by leaving it to the last day. There is ample time between the Nominations opening and the closing date to marshal your most effective case.
Use that lead-in time to gather your thoughts and position your company’s/individual’s success over the past year persuasively.
What truly marks out the year as standout? What have you done or achieved that is so much better than you’d expected, or had done last year, or is better than your competitors?

2. Give measures of success
Saying “We’ve had a great year” really isn’t enough. Everyone says that. The Judges will want to know more precisely what has been great. For example, are sales up? Have you taken on more people? Or entered a new business area, launched a new product or opened up another outlet? Or increased marketing successfully? Or acquired a company? Or won an award?

Anything which makes it clear that your success is based on something tangible.

3. Awards are open to all

The Awards are free to enter and can be won by any company which fits the criteria. If you’re in the area and have had a strong performance in one of our categories, then you can win.

4. Make sure you qualify
Entrants need to be based or have a project within 20 miles of Exeter. If you’re close enough and much of your business is here, then you’ll be in. If in doubt – ask us!
You can enter any category into which your business fits. So you might enter both Architect and Commercial Development. You decide: it’s free!

5. If you’re using social media, then be active!
Imagine a pitch which says, “We’ve successfully used social media to build our customer base” – and then the reality that you’ve posted only twice since the summer! Again, Judges will be looking at any and all aspects of your business.

6. Testimonials: gather them from clients
It’s one thing for you to say you’re great. But it’s often more persuasive if customers says that. Please share up to three testimonials you are most proud of. The more specific the better. And please make sure all testimonials are from the past 12 months.

And please don’t just say, “Check out our website/social media Do the legwork yourself and include or quote the best examples in your submission. (Besides, there are usually some ropey critiques on the internet, even on the best regarded places!)

7. Put yourself in the shoes of the Judges
The Awards are decided by our independent Judges. They’ll look at your Nomination, visit your website and maybe even visit your business.
And then they – and they alone – will decide.
The Judges will be faced with a number of Finalists in each category. Imagine what it’d be like wading through a big pack of info. Make it easy for them. Write clearly with key points. Short sentences are good. Bullets also. Please try to keep it concise.
Try to create some empathy with those judging you. Emotion is fine. If it really would mean the world to you to win this Award – steady! – then say so.

8. Use social media to promote involvement with the Awards
If you know you’ll be entering the Awards, then stick it out there on social media, making sure you tag use the hashtag #ExeterPropertyAwards.

9. Enjoy the Nomination process!
This is one of the very few opportunities in professional life to tell people about just how and why your business, project or individual is exceptional. We all work so hard, all believe so hard in what we do. So enjoy the chance to assemble your arguments and to say EXACTLY why you are great!

10. Keep 18 October clear!
Just imagine how great it would feel to win one of the Exeter Property Awards…